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Top Ten British Cuisine Choices

General Info January 14th 2019
Top Ten British Cuisine Choices

Britain is a country famed for its diversity, and that certainly holds true when it comes to cuisine. Many of the nation’s favourite dishes have a distinctly global flavour to them, so here’s our run-down of the top ten dishes in the UK.

Curry - The most-loved ‘national dish’ is curry, a legacy of the era when Britain ruled India. Many Indians, however, don’t recognise the British curry – we’ve toned it down and made it a little blander than many authentic Indian dishes.

Fish and chips - We’ve all enjoyed those cold, rainy holidays at the seaside when the only real highlight was the fish and chips. The crispy batter, the greasy goodness of the chips and the piercing smell of vinegar are all firmly embedded in the average Brit’s memory.

The roast dinner - Who doesn’t love their Mum’s roast dinner? Fluffy yet crisp spuds, the tender beef, the gravy and even the divisive sprouts.

Pizza - Think ‘takeaway’ and pizza is probably one of the first things which springs to mind. We all love the Italian staple, so much so that the average Brit is expected to munch their way through 731 pizzas in their lifetime.

Jerk chicken - A Jamaican import, jerk chicken is another of the nation’s favourite dishes. Served with peas and rice, it’s the feel-good Friday night dish of countless households.

The mighty burger - We love a good barbecue, even if it is chucking it down with rain and you end up finishing the cooking indoors. Everyone enjoys a juicy burger, stacked high with oozy cheese, ketchup and fried onions. They’re messy to eat but who cares…

Scouse - Scouse, hotpot – call it what you will, a delicious stew of lamb, potatoes and veg is always a lovely winter warmer over the colder months in the UK.

Sausage and mash - Sausage and mash has to be a childhood favourite for millions of Brits. Good quality pork sausages and plenty of rich, thick onion gravy over the spuds.

The jacket potato with fillings - Cheese, baked beans, tuna – take your pick! For the lunches or dinner when you just want some comfort food, a jacket potato with the filling of your choice is always a much-loved standby.

The full english - Let’s end on a calorific high with the full english – you can call it breakfast, lunch or dinner, but we all love the loaded plate even if our waistlines don't.

Whether or not your café is serving up any of these national favourites, make sure your cafe tables and cafe chairs are comfy and inviting – most of us love nothing more than a meal out and letting someone else do the cooking!

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